I just heard about the new credit score/loan rates getting approved for May 1. I heard it’s based off how much you make, your score and you’ll get penalized if it’s good and incentivized if it’s bad. If this is true, this is truly unbelievable!! I was just curious where I’d roughly fall at a 760 score and making over a hundred a year. With this new toll house being finished next year, I’m obviously trying to get the best rate. What’s the point of working hard and trying to have a good score. I’ll play their stupid game and just walk into buying this house with a s&*! credit score if that’s the case. I just wanted to see what your opinion was on the whole thing.’This was an email I received from a past client along with numerous calls, emails and texts. The Media has a single goal, to collect eyeballs. The more eyeballs on their reporting, the more they can charge for advertising.My response if you stop paying your bills 1. You will not qualify for a mortgage. 2. Your interest rate will be significantly higher. 3. Every other loan that you take out over the next several will have a higher interest rate as well.I am not going to bore you with what changed for conventional financing, but I promise you good credit scores and payment history are still highly rewarded and lower credit scores are much more costly and challenging to lend on. I share all of this with you because the media frames information which can influence how people interpret and understand it. Not just in mortgages but in every level of information that we consume. The amount of information that we have access to today is insurmountable and the platforms we receive it are vast. With the variety of platforms and media trying to collect your attention the more sensational or damning the headline, the more likely you are to click or pause the scrolling.The lesson I have learned from fielding all of these calls text and emails? I will consume less and talk to experts more, then formulate my thoughts and opinions, as well as stay in touch with my clients to ensure they are getting the right information not what they media wants them to knowThanks for reading!