Ferris Wheel and Zipper. These two things have been on my mind lately. I think some days I am riding a Ferris wheel and the next day it is the Zipper! If anyone is unfamiliar, these are fair rides. I grew up in small-town Wisconsin, so the State Fair was the pinnacle of excitement for me. I could ride the Ferris wheel anytime. The Zipper, on the other hand, I could not ride until I was 13 because it spun you around like crazy, caused your brain to shake, and relied on a bolt to keep you in a cage while strapped in by only a lap seat belt. Hopefully, you can visualize the analogy.
For the last couple of months, when Thursday comes around, I am tired, and on Friday, I am straight-up unmotivated, and speaking to another person sounds like torture. Is it my diet, do I not like my work, is this a midlife crisis, am I depressed? All these things pass through my mind, and I know I need to do some soul searching to figure it out. So I think about the last few months, and a couple of things come to mind.
First, I have gotten away from daily things that helped me, and I became much more reactive to everyone else's needs, not my own, and business has changed. Second, I need to reach out to a mentor and discuss where I might have lost my way and what I need to do daily to ensure I get back to my center. Here’s a quick list of daily habits that have helped me get back on track:
I share this with all of you because I know the business has changed, and we are working twice as hard for half the money. If you're lucky, you're working twice as hard for the same money 😊. I know some of you feel the same way I do. Maybe sharing what I am doing will help you get back to your center or help you find your energy again.
This life is a journey, and I know that we need relationships like we need water at our very core. These simple changes have helped me a ton, and please reach out if this resonates with you and if you need to set some new boundaries yourself.